Wednesday 10 September 2008

social media vs. traditional communication and more - thoughts on the bus

On a way from work, listening to Damien Rice, I heard this ‘Read me your favourite line..’(from a book) and it hit me! Lolly posted about her favourite Twitter lines today as well….It’s been so long since I had E.A. Poe in my hands and I can still quote the Raven in Polish! My 'the line' is the ending
'And my soul from out that shadow that lies floating on the floor
Shall be lifted--nevermore!'

I think about my favourite painting form Beksinski - one of a kind, since it had NEVERMORE written of a balloon drifting away. I think about the painting of the Raven painted based ont he poem specially for me for my 18th Birthday – left behind in Budapest, and as it turns out now – simply given away I did like the thought of it, actually – I learned to let things go, things, not people. I treasure the people who honour me with their time…

Letting people go...
...we had a discussion about writing traditional letters in the office the other day and I must admit that seeing the average attitude (bills, official packages) I stayed quiet – I do write personal letters and some of my closest friend know me (and vice versa) from those. I left some of those behind, and I have a small collection now, but I still enjoy receiving one time to time. I actually need to put time aside to write a few more to new friends nowadays, and I am sure I will make them happy.

There is magic in paper travelling between the space and time – unlike e-mails, letters feel, smell, look personal. You wait for them, or they surprise you…you see the person you love (this way or another) caught in a moment – you follow the emotions together with the lines of their handwriting. The handwriting is their soul in front of you, in your hands!

I appreciate social media, I love the speed and globalisation of all communication tools, I like to make new, rather shallow relationships based on common respect and knowledge or information share. Those are capable of gestures too – one of my closest friends created a blog specially for me to update me on her thoughts after she stopped writing letters – lack of time, I guess. I am honoured and read it, comment on it, use it as our private venue, our common table and cups of coffee, in a way. Still, we do write letters, we store them, read them again and we do appreciate each of them. I will never move away from magic of a simple letter.

Just as I will never move away from reading books and memorising the best lines…

What is your favourite line form a book, by the way? What is it that makes us stop – go back-read it again- remember?

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